Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ neuter ]
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weg-nest, es; n.
Food for a journey
Show examples
  • Wearð uncer wegnyst áfúlod,

      Shrn. 42, 4.
  • Him siþþan sý wegnestes getíðad, and swá mid wegneste hám cyrren,

      R. Ben. 103, 21.
  • Ðá genámon wit twégen buccan, and wit hig ácwealdon, and gehióldan hiora flǽsc unc tó wægnyste, Shrn. 41, 30: 36, 31. ¶ the word is used of the sacrament administered to the dying :-- Gif se man on his ýtemestan dæge gyrneþ Cristes líchaman tó underfónne, ne wyrne him man ná, . . . ðæt bið his wegnyst


    and ǽlces ðæra manna ðe tó Godes ríce becymð,
      L. Ecg. P. i. 10; Th. ii. 176, 20.
  • Heó onféng wægnyste ðære hálgan gemǽnsumnysse. Bd. 4,

      23; S. 595, 27.
  • Hé bútan hǽlo wegnyste of worulde gewát,

      5, 14; S. 634, 33.
  • Hé wæs hine trymmende mid ðý heofonlícum wægneste,

      4, 24; S. 599, 2.
[O. H. Ger. wega-nest (-nist) cibaria, viaticum: Icel. veg-nest.]
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v.  nest.
Full form


  • weg-nest, n.