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  • Wá þám þe wudewan and steópcild oftost áhwǽneð (

    ut essent viduae praeda eorum, et pupillos diriperent,

      10, 2), Wlfst. 48, 2.
  • Þæt hí wydewan and steópcild tó oft ne áhwǽnan, ac georne hý gladian,

      309, 3: Ll. Th. i. 326, 25.
  • For ðisum wearð Theodosius þearle áhwǽned, and hé his líc for ðǽre sárignysesse mid wácon reáfe scrýdde . . . God hine ná lengc áhwǽnedne habban nolde,

      Hml. S. 23, 393, 402.
  • Utan fréfrian áhwǽnede and hyrtan ormóde,

      Wlfst. 119, 8.
[Þe lavedies to me meneþ And wel sore me ahweneþ, O. and N. 1564.]
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v.  hwǽnan.
Full form


  • á-hwǽnan,