Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ feminine ]
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a foot-print
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  • Þá fótlástas wǽron swutole on þǽm stáne, swá hié on wexe wǽron áðýde. Bl. H. 203, 36.
  • Hwæþer þú mage tócnáwan hwæs fótlǽsta þú geseó on þissere flóre ástapene,

      Nap. 79.
  • Gesáwon hí on þám marmanstáne swilce mannes fótlǽsta fæstlíce on ðám stáne geðýde,

      Hml. Th. i. 506, 12.
  • Fótlǽste,

      508, 11.
where movement is spoken of,
a step
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  • Hig ne myhton hig þá git ánne fótlást furður áteón,

      Shrn. 154, 30.
  • Ǽlc þǽra stæpa and fótlǽsta þe wé tó cyricean weard gestæppað,

      Wlfst. 302, 26.
the sole of the foot, the foot
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  • Sóna swá hí gesetton heora fótlǽst on þǽre eá ófre

    as soon as they set foot on the bank of the river;

    ingressis sacerdotibus Jordanen etpedibus eorum in parte aquae tinctis,
      Jos. 3, 15.
  • Hé hét hí hine ferian þǽr Petrus and Paulus bebyrgede wǽron, and lecgan his líc æt heora fó;tlǽstum,

      Hml. S. 5, 467.
  • Geseah hé león wið þǽre hálgan líchaman standan, and hit his fótlástas (-es, MS., fétlástas,


    ) liccode, 23 b, 773.
Full form


  • fót-lǽst, n.