Bosworth Toller's


Dictionary online


  • verb
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ge-scirpan, to dress.
Take here ge-scerpan in Dict., and add:
to dress, clothe.
of people
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  • Þá árás hé sylf and nine gescyrpte

    surrexit, vestimento se induit,

      Gr. D. 297, 12.
  • Þeáh wé ús gescirpen mid þý reádestan godwebbe,

      Wlfst. 262, 21.
  • In ðám godwebcynne bið S. Mihhael gescyrped on dómes dæg,

      Sal. K. p. 152, 22.
of things,
to cover as with a garment
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  • Þ treów biþ úton gescyrped (-scerped,


    ) mid þǽre rinde,
      Bt. 34, 10 ; F. 150, 7.
to equip, provide with necessaries for a journey: — Þá sende hé hine tó Róme and hine þider well
gescyrpte (cunctis, quae necessitas poscebat itineris, largiter subministratis); and hine hét, þonne hé eft tó his éðle hweorfan wolde, ꝥ hé tó him cóme, ꝥ hé hine wel hám gescyrpte,
    Bd. 5, 19 ; Sch. 659, 20-25.
Full form


  • ge-scirpan, v.