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ge-stælan, l. -stǽlan, dele first passage, in last for leágung l. leásung, and add: to bring home to a person a charge, liability, &c., to prove something to have been committed by, or
to be due from, a person
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  • Gif mon on folces gemóte cyninges geréfan geyppe eofot (þeófðe, v.l.), and his eft geswícan wille, gestǽle on ryhtran hand (

    let him make the charge good upon one who more justly may be charged;

    pertrahat hoc ad rectiorem manum, Old
      Lat. vers.), Ll. Th. i. 76, 6.
  • Heó þá fǽhðe wræc þe þú Grendel cwealdest . . . heó wolde hyre mǽg wrecan ge feor hafað fǽhðe gestǽled (

    to the full has she made good her charge of slaying),

      B. 1340.
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v. ge-stál.
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  • ge-stælan,