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of material things,
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  • Gif

    hwá wyle wyrcan weófodsceátas Gode . . . of his ealdum cláðum, gesylle þá ealdan and geceápige níwe, ꝥ hí tó huxlice tó his lácum ne beón,
      Hml. A. 35, 287.
of conduct, action, treatment, &c.
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  • Þaelig;t nán cyning. . . ne sceolde þincan tó huxlic þæt hé gebúge tó Crístes fulluhte,

      Hml. Th. ii. 40, 24.
  • Ne ðúhte him tó huxlic þæt hé mid gesceáde hine betealde unsynnine,

    Næs on þǽre þeóde nán deáþ swá huxlic swá swa on ródehengenne, Hml. A. 76, 81.
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v.  hux-lic.
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  • husc-lic,