Bosworth Toller's


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add: to overspread a surface,
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  • Se teter bútan sáre ofergǽð ðone líchoman

    impetigo sine dolore corpus occupat,

      Past. 71, 17 : 437, 18.
  • Gif ðone æpl ðæs eágan ðæt fleáh mid ealle ofergséð, ne mæg mon nóht geseón

    pupilla oculi. . . albuginem tolerans nil videt,

      69, 18.
  • Seó eorðe bið mid fúlum wætere ofergán,

      Angl. vii. 48,463.
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  • Swá ꝥ heora nán óþres mearce ne ofereóde, Bt. 33, 4 ; F. 128, 32. III b. to overreach :-- Nán man ne ofergá ne ne beswíce

    (supergrediatur neque circumueniat)

    on mangunge his níhstan,
      Chrd, 110, 34.
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  • Ðyses middangeardes ansién ofergǽð

    praeterit figura hujus mundi,

      Past. 395, 27.
  • Þá unrótnessa þe þú nú on eart, swá ilce ofergáð, swá þú cwist ꝥ þá blissa ǽr dydon,

      Bt. 8 ; F. 24, 34.
  • Godwine eorl.. . sáh niðer. . . sprǽce benumen . . . and hine man brǽd intó ðæs kinges búre, and ðóhtan ꝥ hit ofergán sceolde, ac hit næs ná swá,

      Chr. 1053; P. 182, 23.
[v. N. E. D. over-go: O. H. Ger. ubar-gán: Ger. über-gehen.]
Full form


  • ofer-gán,