Bosworth Toller's


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Add: to overcome in a dispute, overthrow the case of a person by proofs
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  • Þá fuhton þá englas and þá deóflu ymbe þá earman sáwle ; and þá deóflu hý (

    the soul) genáman æt þám englum, and oferstǽldon hý mid hire yfelan weorcum þe heó wyrcende wæs (confuted the angels with the evil deeds the soul was doing ),

      Wlfst. 235, 12.
  • Cymð eft Elias and Enok tógeánes Antecríste tó ðí þæt hí þæs deófles leásunge mid Godes sóðfæstnysse oferstǽlon,

      285, 23.
  • Se engel bringð eall þæt wé tó góde gedóð, and se deófol eall þæt wé tó yfele gedðó and wile oferstǽlan þone engel mid þám yfelum weorcum,

      233, 9.
  • Se dóm þurh þone byþ oferswíþed and oferstǽled ꝥ hlúde geflit þæs folces

    sententia per quam tumultuosae turbae seditio comprimatur,

      Gr. D. 265, 2.
Full form


  • ofer-stǽlan,