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  • verb [ strong ]
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on-bregdan, -brédan; p. brægd, -brǽd, pl. brugdon, -brudon.
with dat. acc. (?),
To move quickly
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  • Heáfde onbrygdeþ þriwa áscæceþ

    the Phenix thrice moves its head (bowing to the sun;

    igniferum caput ter venerata),
      Exon. Th. 207, 18; Ph. 143.
  • Onbrǽd recedes múþan raþe æfter ðon on flór treddode

    Grendel opened the door violently and stepped on to the floor of the hall,

      Beo. Th. 1450; B. 723.
To move (oneself) quickly, to start (from sleep)
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  • Ðá on morgne mid ðý hit dagode ðá onbrǽd ic

    postero die matutino expergefactus diluculo,

      Nar. 30, 30: Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 16.
  • Ðá onbrǽd Gúþlác of ðam slǽpe,

      Guthl. 6; Gdwin. 42, 13.
  • Hé of slǽpe onbrægd,

      Elen. Kmbl. 150; El. 75.
  • Swá hé of hefigum slǽpe onbrude,

      Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 27.
Full form


  • on-bregdan, v.