Bosworth Toller's


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be-beódendlíc gemet

  • noun [ neuter ]
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be-beódendlíc gemet, beódendlíc gemet, es ; n.
The imperative mood; modus imperativus
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  • Ðæt óðer modus is imperativus, ðæt is bebeódendlíc ; mid ðam gemete we hátaþ óðre menn dón sum þingc, oððe sum þingc þrówian, - Rǽd ðú lege, rǽde he legat, beswing ðis cild flagella istum puerum, sí he beswungen flagelletur. Ðis gemet sprecþ forþwerd, and næfþ nǽnne præteritum, forðanðe nán mann ne hǽt dón ðæt ðe gedón biþ

    the other mood is the imperative, that is the commanding; with this mood we order other people to do something, or to suffer something, - Read thou, let him read, beat this child, let him be beaten. This mood speaketh directly [forthward or to those present], and has no preterite, because no man commands to do what is done,

    • Ælfc. Gr. 21; Som. 23, 20-24
    • .
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v.  forþ-werd beódendlíc gemet.
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  • be-beódendlíc gemet, n.