Bosworth Toller's


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Cyménes óra

  • noun [ masculine ]
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Cyménes óra, an; m.
Cymen's shore, near Wittering, Sussex; Cymēni lītus, qui ibi naves ad terrain appulit. Nunc nomen amisit, sed fuisse prope Wittering, in agro Sussexiensi, Charta Donatiònis quam Cedwalla Rex Ecclesiæ Selsiensi fecit, planissĭme convincit , Camd. Camden and, after him, Gibson say, in the preceding Latin, this place was near Wittering on the coast of Sussex. They rely on a Charter which Kemble [Cod. Dipl. 992] has marked as spurious, but which was no doubt constructed with a regard for probability. In this Charter [Cod. Dipl. 992; A. D. 683; Kmbl. v. 33, 22] the name occurs as Cumenes*-*hora, a form which countenances Ingram's guess that Shoreham is the place; quasi Cymeneshoreham, v. Chr. Erl. 281, A. D. 477
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  • Cyménes óra, n.