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  • noun [ masculine ]
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gár-secg, -sæcg, es; m. [gár a spear, secg man] .
a spear-man, the ocean; hŏmo jăcŭlo armātus, oceănus. The myth of an armed man, - a spear-man is employed by the Anglo-Saxons as a term to denote the Ocean, and has some analogy to the personification of Neptune holding his trident. Spears were placed in the hands of the images of heathen gods, as mentioned by Justin. - Per ea adhuc tempŏra rēges hastas pro diadēmăte habēbant, quas Græci sceptra dixēre. Nam et ab orīgĭne rērum, pro diis immortālĭbus vĕtĕres hastas coluēre; ob cujus religiōnis memŏriam adhuc deōrum simulacris hastæ adduntur,
  • l. xliii : c. iii
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a sea; măre
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v.  secg.
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  • gár-secg, n.