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  • noun [ neuter ]
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ge-sete, pl. -setu, -seotu; n.
A seat, habitation, house; sedes, domicilium, habitatio
Show examples
  • Ofer eall beorht gesetu

    over all bright habitations,

      Exon. 117 b; Th. 452, 7; Dóm. 117: 121 b; Th. 466, 3; Hö. 115.
  • Sun-beorht gesetu

    dwellings bright with the sun,

    59 b;
      Th. 217, 10;Ph. 278: 62 a; Th. 228, 50; Ph. 436.
  • On séllan gesetu

    to better dwellings,

    51 a;
      Th. 178, 10; Gú. 1242.
  • Ofer burga gesetu

    over the cities' dwellings,

    26 a;
      Th. 76, 16; Cri. 1240.
  • Geseotu,

      Cd. 227; Th. 302, 20; Sat. 602.
  • Ða cynelícan burh porres and his cynelícan geseto

    ipsam urbem regiam pori domumque,

      Nar. 4, 20.
  • To heora gesetum

    to their lairs,

      Blickl. Homl. 199, 7.
[Cf. O. H. Ger. gesaze habitatio, sedes, domicilium: O. Sax. hóh-gisetu.]
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v.  ge-setu.
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  • ge-sete, n.