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  • verb [ weak ]
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ge-þafian, -þafigan, -þafigean; p. ode, ude; pp. od, ud [þafian to permit, allow, consent]
To favour, support, permit, allow, admit, assent, consent, agree, approve, obey, submit to; făvēre, sustĭnēre, sĭnĕre, admittĕre, permittĕre, assentīre, consentīre, obēdīre, concēdĕre
Show examples
  • Ðú deáþe sweltest gif ðú geþafian nelt módges gemánan

    thou shalt perish by death if thou wilt not consent to the proud one's fellowship,

      Exon. 67 b; Th. 250, 12; Jul. 126: 41 a; Th. 138, 7; Gú. 572: Judth. 10; Thw. 22, 12; Jud. 60: L. Alf. pol. 6; Th. i. 66, 5.
  • He nolde geþafigan ðæt man hys hús underdulfe

    non sĭnĕret perfŏdi dŏmum suam,

      Mt. Bos. 24, 43.
  • Geþafigean,

      Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 14.
  • Ic geþafige


      Ælfc. Gr. 30, 2; Som. 34, 39: 37; Som. 39, 9: Ps. Th. 130, 3.
  • He ne geþafode ðæt hig ǽnig þing sprǽcon

    non sĭnēbat ea lŏqui,

      Lk. Bos. 4, 41: 12, 39.
  • Se eádega wer idese lárum geþafode

    the blessed man assented to the woman's counsels,

      Cd. 101; Th. 134, 31; Gen. 2233: Bd. 3, 23; S. 555, 2.
  • Ná hí geþafudon geþeaht his

    non sustĭnuērunt consĭlium ejus,

      Ps. Spl. 105, 13.
  • Ðínum mǽge mán ne geþafa

    approve not wickedness in thy kinsman,

      Exon. 80 a; Th. 301, 12; Fä. 18.
  • Ne gé in ne gáþ, ne gé ne geþafiaþ ðæt óðre ingán

    vos non intrātis, nec introeuntes sĭnĭtis intrāre,

      Mt. Bos. 23, 13.
  • Ðás hwílwendlícan gedrefednyssa we sceolon mid gefeán for Cristes naman geþafian but these transitory tribulations we ought to submit to with joy for Christ's name, Homl. Th. i. 556, 10: Prov. Kmbl. 9: Past. 21, 1; Swt. 151, 15; Hat. MS. Beágmund geþafie and mid wríte

    I, Beagmund, approve and consign,

      Th. Ch. 475, 16.
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v.  þafian.
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  • ge-þafian, v.