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  • verb [ weak ]
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ge-hiwian, l. ge-híwian,
and add: —
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  • Gehiowiaþ


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 38, 19.
  • Gehíwian


      47, 49.
to form, fashion
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  • Ic eom sé þe man of eorðan gehíwode,

      Hml. S. 30, 63.
  • Sé gehiéwade (


    ) heortan heara,
      Ps. Srt. 32, 15.
  • Seó sáwul ealle líchamlicra þinga híw mæg on hyre sylfre gehíwian, and swá gehíwode on hyre móde gehealdan,

      I. 225.
  • Blódig wolcen on mistlíce beámas wæs gehíwod,

      Chr. 979 ; P. 122, 26.
  • THORN;ás twelf tácna sind swá gehíwode on ðám heofenlicum roderum, and synd swá bráde ꝥ hí gefyllað twá tída mid hyra úpgange,

      Lch. iii. 246, 6.
  • THORN;ára treówa ǽcyrfe on fatu gehíwad (-e, -heówad,

    v. ll.) wǽron (formarentur ),

      Bd. 3, 22; Sch. 291, 6.
to alter the form of, transform
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  • Drihten hine sylfne tó men gehíwode, Wlfst. 144, 31. II a. to alter the appearance of, make to look like :-- THORN;á gehíwode hé hine sylfne tó sumum ælþeódigum men

    peregrinum quempiam se simulans

      Gr. D. 75, 4u Hé is
    gehíwod tó crístenum men, and is earm hǽðengylda, Hml. Th. i. 102, 16.
  • Seó gýtsung gehíwod wæs weorðlíce on gegyrelan

    avaritia transformatur in habitum honestum

      Prud. 61.
to make an object
appear other than it really is
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  • Deófol gemacað þæt sume men beóð swá gehíwode líceteras swylce hý Godes ege habban, and bið eal heora ingeþanc mid fracode áfylled. Nis nán wyrse yfel . . . þonne þæt gehíwode yfel (

    evil that is made to appear good

    ), for ðám deófol sylf hit gefadað and gehýwað tó þám þæt þæt þincð ǽrest gód þe wyrð yfel on ende,
      Wlfst. 54, 4-11.
to assume an appearance or
character not belonging to one, to feign
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  • Mid gehýwedre halignysse, Hml. Th. i. 406, ll. Gehíwedre ceápe

    dissimulate negotio

      An. Ox. 4837.
of representation by a material or verbal figure. Cf. ge-híwendlic, ge-híwang
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  • Wel geheó-wede Dauid ꝥ; , þá hé wolde wiþ Goliaþ gefeohtan, BL H. 31, 16.
  • Þruh þá is gehíwot

    per quem (gastrimargia) figuratur

      An. Ox. II, 101.
  • Guhíwudre sprǽce


      8, 150.
  • Swá micel is betwux þǽre gehíwodan anlícnysse and ðám sóðan ðinge so

    much difference is there between the image made to represent a thing and the real thing

      Hml. Th. ii. 240, 16.
to colour.
to paint
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  • Gezabel gehíwode hire eágan mid rude

    Jesabel depinxit oculos suos stibio

    (2 Kings
      9, 30), Hml. S. 18, 342.
  • Gehíuadne


      Lk. p. 9, 2.
of natural complexion. Cf. ge-híwlǽcan ;
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  • Benedictus wæs blíðe on andwlitan, mid hwítum hǽrum, fægere gehíwod (

    with a fresh complexion

      Hml. Th. ii. 186, 20.
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v. un-gehíwod.
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v.  ge-hiwad.
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  • ge-hiwian, v.