Bosworth Toller's


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  • verb [ weak ]
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ge-sǽlan, hit -sǽleþ -sǽlþ; p. de; pp. ed [sǽl an occasion]
To happen, come to pass, befall; accĭdĕre, evĕnīre
Show examples
  • Hú gesǽleþ ðæt

    how doth that happen?

      Salm. Kmbl. 698; Sal. 348: Andr. Kmbl. 1021; An. 511: 1029; An. 515.
  • Gif hit ǽfre gesǽlþ, ðæt ...

    if it ever happen that

      Bt. Met. Fox 13, 43; Met. 13, 22: Th. Ch. 472, 4: 166, 20.
  • Me gesǽlde ðæt is mid sweorde ofslóh niceras nigene

    it befell me that I slew with my sword nine monsters,

      Beo.Th. 1152; B. 574: 1784; B. 890: 2504; B. 1250.
  • Ðeáh eów nú gesǽle, ðæt ...

    though it now happen to you that

      Bt. Met. Fox 10, 47; Met. 10, 24.
  • Uncúþ hú him æt ǽhtum gesǽle

    it is unknown how it may befall him in the matter of property,

      Prov. Kmbl. 20.
Full form


  • ge-sǽlan, v.