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grimlíc, adj.
Grim, fierce, cruel, sharp, severe, bloody; atrox, dirus, cruentus, crudelis
Show examples
  • Ðone grimlícan gársecg

    the fierce ocean,

      Homl. Th. i. 454, 15.
  • Hit wyrþ ðonne egeslíc and grimlíc

    things will then become awful and terrible,

      Swt. A. S. Rdr. 104, 5.
  • Ða Crétense hæfdon ðone grimlecan sige

    cruentiorem victoriam Cretenses exercuerunt,

      Ors. 1, 9; Swt. 42, 28.
  • Se légdraca grimlíc gryre

    the fire-drake, that fierce horror,

      Beo. Th. 6074; B. 3041.
  • Ða gewin wǽron grimlícran ðonne hý nú sýn

    struggles were more bloodthirsty than they now are;

    quod crudelius graviusque erat quam nunc est,
      Ors. 1, 2; Swt. 30, 23.
Full form


  • grimlíc, adj.