Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ feminine ]
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of-talu, e ; f.
The successful defence made against a claim
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  • Seó sprǽc wearð ðam cynge cúð. Ðá ðá him seó talu cúð wæs, ðá sende hé gewrit tó ðam arcebisceope, and beád him ðæt hé and hys þegenas hý on riht gesémdon be ontale and be oftale the suit became known to the king. When the claim was known to him, he sent a writ to the archbishop, and commanded him that he and his thanes should settle it rightfully according as the claim was to be allowed or rejected, according as the verdict was for or against the claim (cf. Icel. bera kvið á einn, af einum

    to give a verdict for, against a person),

      Chart. Th. 302, 14-22.
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v.  on-talu.
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  • of-talu, n.