Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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Sciððeas, Sciððie, Sciððige, a; pl.
The Scythians or (using the name of the people where now the name of the country would be used) Scythia
Show examples
  • Ða Sciððeas,

      Bt. 18, 2; Fox 64, 10.
  • Uesoges wolde him tó geteón . . . ðone norþdǽl, ðæt sint Sciþþie; and hú ii ædelingas wurdon áfliémed of Sciððium,

      Ors. 1, 10, tit.; Swt. 1, 25.
  • He wonn on Sciððie . . . His heres wæs seofon hund þúsenda, ðá hé on Sciððie fór. Huæðere ða Sciððie noldon hiene gesécan tó folcgefeohte,

      2, 5; Swt. 78, 8-11.
  • Eall Sciððia lond,

      1, 1; Swt. 14, 22.
  • Hé wæs mid firde farende on Sciððie on ða norþdǽlas,

      1, 10; Swt. 44, 7 : 2, 4; Swt. 76, 4.
  • On Sciððie (Sciððige,

      Bos. 43, 42), Swt. 72, 24.
Full form


  • Sciððeas, n.