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  • verb [ weak ]
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seomian, siomian, semian; p. ode
To rest,
to remain suspended, to hang, to lower as a cloud
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  • Hit bærneþ boldgetimbru, seomaþ steáp,

      Salm. Kmbl. 827 ; Sal. 413.
  • Deorc deáþscúa seomade

    the dark shadow of death hung over them,

      Beo. Th. 324; B. 161.
  • Sum sceal on galgan rídan, seomian æt swylte,

      Exon. 329, 14; Vy. 34.
  • Mæst sceal on ceóle segelgyrd seomian

    the mast shall be fixed in a boat and the yard hang from it,

      Menol. Fox 509; Gn. C. 25.
  • Hé siomian geseah segn,

      Beo. Th. 5527; B. 2767.
  • Geseah deorc gesweorc semian,

      Cd. Th. 7, 20; Gen. 109.
to remain supported, to lie so as to press,
lie heavily, lie securely
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  • Se wong seomaþ eádig and onsund,

      Exon. Th. 199, 2; Ph. 19.
  • Seomaþ (-ad,

      MS.) wír ymbe ðone wælgim. 400, 19; Rä. 21, 3.
  • Seomaþ sorgcearig

    lies troubled

      285, 4; Jul. 709.
  • Hé siomode in sorgum seofon nihta fyrst,

      Elen. Kmbl. 1384; El. 694.
  • Flota stille bád, seomode on sole scip,

      Beo. Th. 609; B. 302.
  • Heó on wrace seomodon,

      Cd. Th. 5, 15; Gen. 72.
  • Him on healfa gehwam hettend seomedon mægen oððe merestreám

    on each side of them lay foes pressing, the Egyptian force or the Red Sea,

      191, 4; Exod. 209.
  • Ðǽr ic seomian wát ðínne sigebróðor

    I know thy brother lies in prison there,

      Andr. Kmbl. 365; An. 183.
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v.  semian.
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  • seomian, v.