Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ feminine ]
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sinc-þegu, (<b>o</b>), e
or indecl. ; f. Acceptance of treasure the gift of a lord
Show examples
  • Sceal sincþego and sweordgifu eówrum cynne álicgean . . . syððan æðelingas gefricgean eówerne dómleásne dǽd

    for your kin shall receiving a lord's costly present and gift of sword be no more . . . after men learn your inglorious deed (the desertion of their lord, Beowulf, at his need ),

      Beo. Th. 5760 ; B. 2884.
  • Gemon hé sincþege

    he remembers receiving costly presents from his lord,

      Exon. Th. 288, 21 ; Wand. 34.
  • Cf. sinc*-*gifa, and see other cpds. of þegu.
Full form


  • sinc-þegu, n.