Bosworth Toller's


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  • verb [ weak ]
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stówian, p. ode
To hold back, restrain
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  • Stóuuigan


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 118, 72.
[He sette stronge lawen to steowien (stewe, 2nd MS.) his folke, Laym. 6266. Stew þine unwittie wordes, Marh. 6, 2 (and see note, p. 109). Læte me steowe (cf. steowe = A.S. stów, 145, 5) mi flesc, Misc. 193, 34. Beo stiward in oure stude til ȝe be stouwet (stowed, C-text MS. I. ; ruled, B-text) betere, Piers P. A-text 5, 39. Ȝiff any man stow me this nyth I xal hym ȝeve a dedly wownde, Cov. Myst. (Halliwell's Dict.). Stowyñ or with stond idem quod stoppyñ , stowynge, stowwynge obsistencia, resistencia. Prompt. Parv. 478, col. 1.]
Full form


  • stówian, v.