Bosworth Toller's


Dictionary online


  • noun [ masculine ]
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Tróiána, (-e ?); pl.
The Trojans
Show examples
  • Alra tácna gehwylc swá Tróiána þurh gefeoht fremedon,

      Elen. Kmbl. 1287; Kl. 645.
  • Ymb ealra ðara Tróiána gewin. Ors. 1,

      8; Swt. 42, 13.
  • Ðæt mǽre gewinn Gréca and Tróiána,

      1, 11; . Swt. 50, 9, 7 : Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 3. (In the corresponding passage of the metres, Met. 26, 12, Fox has Trióia gewin, while Grein gives Tróiána. )
Full form


  • Tróiána, n.