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twi-hynde, adj. As applied to a person, of a rank for which the wergild was two hundred shillings; applied to the wergild, that must be paid for a person of such rank. As will be seen from the passages given below, the twihynde man was a
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  • Twelfhyndes mannes wer is twelf hund scyllinga. Twyhyndes mannes wer is twá hund sciłł. (

    the article then deals with the case of the former, and concludes:

    Eal man sceal æt cyrliscum were be ðære mǽðe dón, ðe him tó gebyreþ, swá wé be twelfhyndum tealdan.
      Cf. too: Ceorles wergild is. . . ii hund sciłł. be Myrcna lage, L. Wg. 6; Th. i. 186, 11), L.E.G. 12; Th. i. 174, 14.
  • Ǽnig mǽgð . . . xii-hynde oððe twyhynde,

      L. Ath. v. 8, 2; Th. i. 236, 11.
  • Be twyhyndum were. Æt twyhyndum were mon sceal sellan tó monbóte .xxx. sciłł.,

      L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 12.
  • Be twyhyndum men . . . Gif mon twyhyndne mon . . . ofsleá,

      L. Alf. pol. 29; Th. i. 80, 5-7.
  • Cnut cing grét . . . ealle míne þegnas, twelfhynde and twihynde,

      Chart. Th. 308, 16. v. six-, twelf-hynde.
Full form


  • twi-hynde, adj.