- adverb
Of ðissum syx tídum wihst
se quadrans
swýðe wæwerðlíce, and forð stæpð wel orglíce swylce hwylc cyng of his giftbúre stæppe geglenged, Anglia viii.- 298, 34.
Nú þincð ðe wærra and micele ðe snotera, se ðe can mid leásungan wæwerdlíce (-werðlíce [e
from æ], -wyrdlíce, v.ll. )
werian, and mid unsóðe sóð oferswíðan,- Wulfst. 169, 1.
Bosworth, Joseph. “Wæwærðlíce.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014. https://bosworthtoller.com/34568.
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