Bosworth Toller's


Dictionary online


  • noun [ masculine ]
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wimpel, winpel, es; m.
An article of woman's dress, a wimple
Show examples
  • Winpel vel orl ricinum, Wrt. Voc. i. 17, I. Winpel anabala (cf. anaboladium amictorium lineum feminarum, quo humeri operiuntur, Migne), 26, I. Wimple goldgewefenum

    cyclade auro texta

      Hpt. Gl. 506, 63.
  • Wimplum cycladibus, 480, 71: 486, 41: mafortibus, i.


      526, 52 : Anglia xiii. 37, 293.
[Sum seið ꝥ hit limpeð to ene wummon cundeliche forte were wimpel. Nai: wimpel. . . ne nemned hali write, ah wriheles of heuet . . . Wrihen, þe Apostel seið, naut wimplin, A. R. 420, note a. Hyre body wyþ a mantel, a wympel aboute her heued, R. Glouc. 338, 4. Ful semely hire wympel ipynched was, Chauc. Prol. 151. O. H. Ger. wimpal theristrum: Icel. vimpill a hood, veil.]
Linked entries
v.  winpel.
Full form


  • wimpel, n.