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unity (as opposed to separation)
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  • Þá gód ealle on ánnesse bióþ, and sió ánnes bið on écnesse . . . Sió ánnes and sió gódnes án þing sié,

      Bt. 34, 9; F. 146, 23-33.
union (as opposed to disagreement)
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  • Hú mycel gód is ðǽr ðǽr gebróðru beóð on ánnysse

    quam bonum habitare fratres in unum,

      Hml. S. 5, 394.Lufige hé ánnysse and bróðorrǽdene betwux mannum, Hml. Th. i. 142, 10.
  • Eal se here him swór ánnesse, þæt hié eal þæt woldon þæt hé wolde,

      Chr. 921; P. 103, 16.
Full form


  • án-nes,