Bosworth Toller's


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  • Gong út sáwl, hwæt drǽdest (ondrǽdest,

      Mart. H. 194, 4) ðú ðé?, Shrn. 141, 29.
  • Mann wís on eallum drǽtt homo sapiens in omnibus metuit, Scint. 67, 1. & wolde hine ofsleán & dreórd him ꝥ folc

    et volens illum occidere timuit populum,

      Mt. R. 14, 5.
  • Þá leorneras wundradun & dreórdun discipuli mirabantur, 19, 25. & soecende hiá ꝥ hine genóman & dreórdun him mængu

    et quaerentes eum tenere timuerunt turbas,

      21, 46.
[Perhaps in the last three examples the symbol & may represent the prefix in ondrǽdan, under which verb they would then belong.]
Full form


  • drǽdan,