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  • Abbod sceal á gemunan hwæt hé gecweden is, and þæs ealdorscipes noman mid dǽdum gefyllan (

    nomen majoris factis implere

      R. Ben. 10, 10.
  • Teóðingealdras sýn hýdege embe heora ealdorscypas (


    ) . . . Gif heora hwylc þurh þæne trúwan his ealdorscipes tóðint . . . hé sý of ðám ealdorscype áworpen,
      46, 10-19.
  • Se biscop is geset tó máran bletsunge ðonne se mæssepreóst . . . Preóstum gedafenað for ðám ealdorscípe ꝥ hí heora biscope beón underþeódde,

      Ll. Th. ii. 378, 25: Hml. Th. i. 344, 32.
  • Petre þæne ealdorscipe hé ǽrest betǽhte,

      Wlfst. 176, 14.
  • Sóð lufu on eallum bebodum Godes ealdorscype (principatum) healt, Scint. 4, 5.


    sind ealdorscipas,
      Hml. Th. i. 342, 30.
Full form


  • ealdor-scipe,