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  • Sýn him gebodod eal seó stíðnes and seó earfoðnes þe tó Gode lǽt

    predicentur ei omnia dura et aspera per que itur ad Deum,

      R. Ben. 97, 19.
  • Se bisceop and se eorl gebidan mycele earfoðnysse þá hí hámward fóran

    the bishop and the earl underwent much hardship on the journey home,

      Chr. 1061; P. 191, 2.
  • Áfyrseþ hé þás earfoðnesse (

    a flood) fram ús, Bl. H. 247, 4: (St. Andrew's imprisonment ),

      243, 18.
  • For þissum earfoðnessum þe wé þissum mannan dydon

    for the hardships we have inflicted on the man,

      247, 18.
  • Be þisse worlde earfoþnessum

    about the troubles of this world,

      109, 6.
  • Manega earfoðnessa hié þé magon on gebringan, ah áræfne þú þá ealle,

      237, 7.
[Þu scealt mid ærfeðnesse þe metes tylian (in laboribus comedes ex terra, Gen. 3, 17), O. E. Hml. i. 223, 34.]
Full form


  • earfoþnes,