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fear, terror
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  • Féhð óðer tó sé þe unmurnlíce máðmas dǽleð, egesan ne gýmeð (

    does not cherish fear

      B. 1757.
  • Mid þon egsan and þǽre lufan Drihtnes,

      Bl. H. 119, 17.
  • Uton wé þæs dæges fyrhto and egsan on úre mód settan,

      125, 6.
what excites fear or
horror, a terrible thing
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  • Mannum þincþ heora deáð leófra þonne ðone egesan tó gehýranne

    it will seem to men better to die than to hear that awful tempest,

      Wlfst. 196, 7.
  • Micel þearf is þæt crístene men þæne egesan ǽfre ne dreógan, þæt hý deófolgyld weorðian

    it is very needful that Christian men never commit the horrible sin of worshipping idols,

      281, 4.
  • Leahtra egesan forbúgan

    uitiorum monstra diuitare,

      Angl. xiii. 381, 226.
Full form


  • egesa,