Hú sió bysmerlice sibb and fácenlice wearð betweónum Læcedemonium and Persum,
- Ors. S. 2, 28 .
Warnien hí þæt hí nán þing fácenlices ne dón
videant ne aliquam fraudem presumant inferre,
- R. Ben. 95, 12, 15 .
dolore (misread dolosa ? ),
- Ps. L. 106, 39 .
Bosworth, Joseph. “fácen-lic.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014. https://bosworthtoller.com/44294.
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