Dǽm oferblíðan oft folgað firenlusð
- Past. 189, 5.
- 7.
Firenlust (fieren-, v.l.),
- 310. 3.
Ælces unþeáwes and firenlustes
- Bt. 28 ;
- F. 100, 28,
Se oferǽt wierð oft gehwierfed tó fierenluste
usque ad luxuriam,
- Past. 311. 14 .
Besmitene mid þǽm unclǽnan firenluste,
- Bl. H. 25, 8 :
- Ors. I. 2, S. 30, 33 .
Maria cende on blisse; Eua cende þurh firenlust,
- Bl. H. 3, 10 .
Hwǽr cumaþ þonne his willan and his fyrenlnstas
- ?, 113, I.
Ðæt hié gehealdað hira líchoman firenlusta clǽnne
studio castitatis,
- Past. 41, 14.
Fyrenlusta and synlicra dǽda,
- Wlfst. 56, 6,
Mid manigfealdon firenlustum,
- Ors. l, 2 ;
- S. 30, 16.
þurh firenlustas (fieren-, v. l.)
per luxuriam,
- Past. 311, 13 .
Bosworth, Joseph. “firen-lust.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014.
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