- Symle hý Gúðlác gearone fundon Gú. 885.
Beó gé gearwe (gearua, L.,
),- Mt. 24, 44.
Þá þe gearwe wǽrun eódun in,
- 25, 10: Bl. H. 125, 12.
- Cóm se cyning mid fulre fyrde þider ǽr hí gearwe wǽron. Chr. 1014; P. 145, 19.
Sóna þæs þe hié inne wǽron, swá wǽron þá nicoras gearwe, tóbrúdon hié swá hié þá óðre ǽr dydon,
- Nar. 11, 11.
Gié wosað gearuu,
- Lk. L. 12, 40.
Wé beóð eádmódlíce gearawe,
- Ll. Th. i. 238, 27.
Ǽlc here hæfð ðý lǽssan cræft ðonne hé cymð, gif hine mon ǽr wát, ǽr hé cume; for ðǽm hé gesihð ðá gearwe ðé hé wénde ðæt hé sceolde ungearwe findan. Him wǽre iéðre ðæt hé hira ǽr gearra wénde ðonne hé hira ungearra wénde, and hí gearuwe métte,
- Past. 433, 27-31.
Ꝥ hé ús gearwe finde,
- Bl. H. 83, 1.
Ꝥ ǽlc man hæbbe symle þá men gearowe þe lǽden þá men þe heora ágen sécan willen,
- Ll. Th. i. 162, 23.
Ðætte hié swá micle gearran finde se ýtemesta dæg, ðonne hé cume, swá hí hér ǽmtegran bióð, Past. 401, 6. I a. dressed, armed, v. gearwe
clothing, arms
:-- Onfundon þæs cyninges þegnas þá unstilnesse, and þá þider urnon swá hwelc swá þonne gearo wearþ,- Chr. 755; P. 48, 7.
Fore him englas stondað gearwe mid gǽsta wǽpnum,
- Gú. 60.
Eall folc gearu wæs heom on tó fónne,
- Chr. 1009; P. 139, 20.
Wé sungon be eallum hálgum ... æfter þyssum, prím ... eft wé sungon nón, and nú wé synd hér gearuwe gehýran hwæt þú ús secge,
- Coll. M. 34, 1.
Hí wǽron gearwe tó fihtan[n]e ongeán þone kásere,
- H. R. 3, 9.
Beón gearwe mid him silfum and mid wífe and mid ærfe tó farenne þider ic wille,
- Ll. Th. i. 220, 6.
Ic eom gearu (-o, L. R.) tó farenne mid þé, ge on cwertern ge on deáð, Lk. 22, 33: An. 72. II a.
with clause
:-- Nú ic eom gearo þæt ic gange tó mínum discipulum,- Bl. H. 247, 32: Jul. 398: 365: Rä. 24, 4.
Ic beó gearo sóna willan þínes
I am ready to do what you wish,
- Jul. 49. III a. with preps.
Hé áþas swór þæt hé gearo (geare,
v. l.) wǽre mid him selfum, and on (mid, v. l. )
allum þám þe him lǽstan woldon, tó þæs heres þearfe,- Chr. 874; P. 72, 32.
Gearuw tó reáfláce,
- Ps. L. 16, 12.
Hé sceal geara beón on manegum weorcum tó hláfordes willan,
- Ll. Th. i. 436, 3.
Sum bið á wið firenum in gefeoht gearo,
- Crä. 90.
Beó þú on síð gearu,
- Gú. 1148: El. 222.
Sculon ðá hálgan weras stondan gearuwe tó gefeohte wið ðǽm fiénd,
- Past. 433, 16.
Þonne menn gearuwe beóð tó Lífes bebodum,
- Hml. Th. i. 362, 12.
His men beón gearuwe ge tó rípe ge tó huntoðe,
- C. D. v. 162, 27.
Sóna wǽron gearwe hæleð tó þǽre hálgan byrg,
- Cri. 460.
Hé wiste ꝥ menn wǽron tó deáþe gearwe; þá gelaþode hé hié tó écean lífe,
- Bl. H. 103, 7.
- Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 41.
Ðe gást georo (gearo, R., hræd, W. S.,
) is,- Mt. L. 26, 41.
Se gást is gearu (gearuu,
- L., georo, R.), Mk. 14, 38.
Gearo gúðfreca goldmáðmas heóld,
- B. 2414.
Ic habbe nú ongiten ꝥ ðú eart gearo tó ongitanne míne láre
te ad intelligendum promtissimum esse conspicio,
- Bt. 36, 5; F. 178, 30.
- Wrt. Voc. ii. 107, 67.
Onstép mínne hige in gearone rǽd,
- Hy. 4, 39.
Heó gearwe (
or under IX: or adv. ? )
funde mundbyrd æt þám mǽran þeódne,- Jud. 2.
Þonne ꝥ ordál geara sý,
- Ll. Th. i. 226, 18.
Him wæs gearu sóna þurh streámræce strǽt gerýmed,
- An. 1581.
Eów wæs mínes fæder ríce ǽr woruldum gearo,
- Cri. 1346.
Þé is súsl weotod gearo tógegnes,
- Sat. 693.
Betst beadorinca wæs on bǽl gearu,
- B. 1109.
Ys mín heorte gearu (gearuw,
- Ps. L.) ...
Ne scealt þú forhyccan forgifnesse gearugne tíman
spernere tu noli veniae tibi tempora certa,
- Dóm. L. 91: 68.
Gé sceolan habban þreó ampullan gearuwe tó þám þrým elum,
- Ll. Th. ii. 390, 6.
Þé synt tú gearu, swá líf, swá deáþ,
- El. 605.
Gerewe sint télerum ...
parata sunt derisoribus judicia,
- Kent. Gl. 720.
Habbað word gearu ... eall getrahtod, An. 1360. VII a. of food, dressed, cooked :-- Bere is swíðe earfoðe tó gearcigenne, and þeáhhwæðere fét ðone monn, þonne hé gearo bið, Hml. Th. i. 188, 5. VII b. of ships,
equipped for service
:-- Ǽnne scegð .lxiiii. ǽre, hé is eall gearo bútan þám hánon,- Cht. Crw. 23, 8.
Man sceolde mid scipfyrde faran ..., ac ðá þá scipu gearwe wǽron ...,
- Chr. 999; P. 133, 4: El. 227.
Rómáne scipa worhton ... Æfter siextegum daga þaes þe ðæt timber ácorfen wæs, þǽr wǽron xxx and c gearora ge mid mæste ge mid segle (
centum triginta navium classis deducta in ancoris stetit
),- Ors. 4, 6; S. 172, 5.
Ðǽm synfullan náuht ne helpað his gódan geðóhtas, for ðǽm ðe hé næfð gearone willan untweógende tó ðǽm weorce, ne eft ðǽm ryhtwísan ne deriað his yflan geðóhtas, for ðǽm ðe hé næfð gearone willan ðæt wóh tó fulfremmanne
nec malos bona imperfecta adjuvant, nec bonos mala inconsummata condemnant,
- Past. 423, 25-28.
Gyt ne cóm mín tíd; eówer tíd is symble gearu (gearua,
- L., georo, R.), Jn. 7, 6.
Bringaþ gé on mín beren eówerne teóðan sceat ... Gedóþ ꝥ eów sý mete gearo on mínum húse
inferte omnem decimam in horreum, et sit cibus in domo mea
(Malachi- 3, 10), Bl. H. 39, 28: An. 1537.
Gearo sceal gúðbord
ready to hand shall the shield be,
- Gn. Ex. 203.
Sé þe þæt gelǽsteð, him bið leán gearo,
- Gen. 435.
Þǽr is help gearu, milts æt mǽrum manna gehwylcum,
- An. 909.
Næs him dóm gearu tó ásecganne swefen,
- Dan. 128.
Þet hit him georo wǽre swá hwilce dæge swá hí hit habban woldon,
- Chr. 874; P. 73, 26.
On Gode standeð mín geara hǽle,
- Ps. Th. 61, 7.
Hí eódon heom tó heora garwan feorme,
- Chr. 1006; P. 136, 24.
Ðæt hí ealneg hæbben ðá sealfe gearuwe ðe tó ðǽre wunde belimpe,
- Past. 453, 9.
Byð his dǽdbót Gode andfengre, and Godes mildheortnes him micle þe gearwre,
- Wlfst. 155, 15.
Gearuwre, Ll. Th. i. 372, 5. IX a. used of a person :-- Hé is se góda God and gearu standeð (cf.
God is a very present help,
- Ps. 46, 1), Ps. Th. 117, 2.
Hé is God mín and gearu Hǽlend,
- 61, 2.
Se geatweard sceal cýtan habban wið þæt geat, þæt þá cuman simle gearone hæbben ... (
ut venientes semper presentem inveniant
...),- R. Ben. 126, 19.
Hí hæfdon gearwe (gearuwe,
v. l.) mágistras (mágistras gearwe, v. l.) haberent in promtu magistros,
- Bd. 4, 2; Sch. 345, 13.
Bosworth, Joseph. “gearo.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014.
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