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  • verb [ weak ]
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Add:, ge-clásnian.
to cleanse an object from impurity (gen.
or prep.).
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  • Gold womma gehwylces geclǽnsod,

      El. 1311.
  • Seolfur earðan geclásnad

    argentum terrae purgatum.

      Ps. Srt. 11, 7.
to cleanse from sin,
purify from evil
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  • Dryhten geclásnað (


    ) sawle his,
      Ps. Srt. 40, 3.
  • From scyld mínre geclásna mec,

      50, 4. ꝥ wé
  • Úre heortan geclǽnsian from óþrum geþóhtum,

      21, 4.
  • Geclǽnsod


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 26: El. 1035: Ps. C. 74.
  • Wyrð hé eallra synna geclǽnsod,

      Past. 413, 31.
  • Fulwihtes geryne wé sýn geclǽnsude,

      An. Ox. 40, 18.
to clear, prove innocent of a charge
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  • Þá witan gerehton þæt heó sceolde hire fæder hand geclǽnsian ... and heó ... geclǽnsude hire fæder þæs ǽgiftes (

    she cleared her father of the charge that he had not repaid the money

      Cht. Th. 201, 33-202, 6.
  • Hé hine ǽlces þinges geclǽnsode þe him mann onsǽde,

      Chr. 1022; P. 157, 5.
  • Gif man esne tihte, his dryhten hine his áne áðe geclǽnsie (-clénsige, 12),

      Ll. Th. i. 42, 7.
  • Geswicne (geclénsie,


    ) sé hine,
      110, 16: 112, 3: 134, 12.
  • Búton hé hine mid fulre láde wið mé geclǽnsian mæge,

      Cht. E. 231, 2.
to remove impurity from an object
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  • Wé oft ágyltað; þonne sculon wé on þǽre forhæfdnesse ... ꝥ geclǽnsian,

      Bl. H. 35, 17.
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v. un-geclsǽnsod.
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  • ge-clǽnsian, v.