Bosworth Toller's


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  • verb [ weak ]
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To go astray, err, make mistake with gen. of matter mistaken
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  • Ǽgðer þára ic wót. Ne mæg nán man þæs gedwæligan

    aeque novi. Nom in utroque nihil fallor,

      Solil. H. 21, 11.
To lead astray.
in a physical sense
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  • Hí hine geseón ne mihton, and hý swá mid blindnysse wurdon gedwelede (-dwealde, v.l.) ꝥ hí eft of þám mynstre ídelhende hwurfon (

    sic sua caecitate frusirati a monasterio sunt vacui regressi),

      Gr. D. 16, 26.
in a mental or moral sense
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  • Þ dysig ðe ðá earman men gedwelaþ and álǽt of þám rihtan wege

    quae miseros tramite devios abducit ignorantia.

      Bt. 32, 3; F. 118, 7.
  • Antecríst eal mancyn gedrecð and gedwelaþ,

      Wlfst. 101, 9.
  • Þæt mód biþ mid ymbhogum gedwelod (ge-dweald,


    tó þám ꝥ hit ne mæg áredian tó
      Gode, Bt. 24, 4; 84, 33.
Full form


  • ge-dwelian, v.