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  • verb
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Substitute: ge-hreówan; p. ge-hreáw, ge-hreów.
to cause sorrow to, grieve a person (acc. ).
the subject a noun
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  • Mec þín weá set heortan gehreáw,

      Cri. 1494.
  • Mec his bysgu gehreáw,

      Gú. 686.
without subject
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  • Gehréues mec

    paenitet me

      Lk. L. 17, 4.
to cause sorrow, repentance, or regret to a person (dat.
).(I) the subject a noun
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  • Ne selle mon to féla . . . ðý lǽs hwá him self weorðe tó wǽdlan, and him ðonne gehreówe sió ælmesse,

      Past. 325, 8.
the subject a pronoun representing a circumstance already mentioned
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  • Satanus swearte geþóhte þæt hé wolde on heofonum héhseld wyrcan . . . Him þæt eft gehreáw. Sae. 374.
  • Ne wilnað ná se wísa tó hrædlíce ðǽre wræce, ðeáh hé gegremed sié, ac wýscð ðæt hit (

    the wrongdoing) him (the wrongdoer) gehreówe, ðæt hé (the wise man )

    hit mæge siððan forgifan,
      Past. 220, 16.
  • Þec gelegdon on bend hǽðene . . . Him þæt gehreówan mæg, þonne heó endestæf gesceáwiað. Sat. 540.
without subject and followed by a clause giving reason for regret
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  • Þá gehreów hym ꝥ hyne ǽfre swá on hys geþóhte getweóde,

      Shrn. 155, 18.
[O. H. Ger. ge-[h]riuwan.]
Full form


  • ge-hreówan, v.