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Take here geornes in Dict., and add:
diligence, assiduity
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  • Geornes


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 23.
  • Seó gehýrnes and seó geornnes ne bið nyt on þǽm ungelýfdum mannum (cf. hú nyt bið þǽm men þéh hé geornlíce gehýre, 4), Bl. H. 55, 31. ¶ of geornnesse

    on purpose :-- Gif hwá of geornnesse and gewealdes ofsleá his þone néhstan si quis per industriam occiderit proximum suum, Ll. Th. i. 46, 26. (1 a) ill-timed assiduity, importunity :-- Hé fylgede þám hálgan were mid gemáglicum bedum . . . Se árwyrða fæder wæs geswænced mid unluste his swíðlican geomnesse (nimietatis ejus taedio affectus ),

      Gr. D. 156, 6.
  • Fore giornise his áríseð

    propter inprobitatem eius surget,

      Lk. L. R. 11, 8.
desire for something
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  • Giornisse lofes mennisces

    appetitio laudis humanae,

      Mt. p. 14, 19. v. feoh-geornness, firwet-geornness, lust-geornness, sib-geornness, wíf-geornness, yfel-geornness; girn-ness.
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v.  girn-ness geornes.
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  • georn-ness,