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Take here ge-sceot in Dict., and add:
a weapon shot or
hurled, an arrow, a dart, spear, javelin
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  • Gesceot

    cateia, i. telum,

      Wrt. Voc. i. 34, 30.
  • Ánes cynnes gesceot clava vel cateia vel


      35, 44.
  • Gif hit wǽre ésa gescot oððe ylfa gescot oððe hægtessan gescot, nú ic wille ðín helpan. Þis ðé tó bóte ésa gescotes,

      Lch. iii. 54, 9-15.
  • Gescotum

    calamis, sagittis,

      Germ. 392, 52.
  • Ðá díglan gescotu (jacula) ðæs sweocolan feóndes, Past. 431, 5: Ps. Vos. 54, 22. I a. collective, missile weapons :-- Gesceot


      Wrt. Voc. i. 35, 45.
  • Swá hié on híran stede gestondað, swá him máre gescot and má flána hiera feónda tó cymð (

    eo crebrioribus sagittis insidiatoris impetuntur).

      Past. 407, 23.
a shot, shooting or
hurling of a missile
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  • Mid ídelum gescotum

    iactibus uacuis,

      An. Ox. 49, 2.
  • Þá þóhton hié ꝥ hié sceoldan ǽrest of þǽm muntum hié gebígan mid hiora flána gescotum,

      Ors. 6, 36; S. 294, 23.
  • Ge mid scotum (gesceotum, v.l.), ge mid stána torfungum, ge mid eallum heora wígcræftum, 3, 9; S. 134, 15. II a. rapid movement of a missile, flight of an arrow :-- Þá wǽmna flugon mid swiftum gesceote on heora fínd,

    Jud. Thw.

      162, 8.
a part of a building shut off from the rest,
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  • Gesceot


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 8.
  • Ðá stód his franca binnan þám gesceote,

      Hml. S. 3, 267.
  • Heó þæt gesceot hrepode,

      Hml. Th. ii. 32, 28.
a shot, scot, contribution
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  • Gif hwylc monn þone ándagan oferhebbe æt his gescote, béte be twifealdum,

      Cht. Th. 614, 23.
[O.H.Ger. ge-scoz missile, jaculum: Ger. ge-schoss.]
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Full form


  • ge-scot,