Bosworth Toller's


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to decree, appoint something to a person.
of the dealings of Providence
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  • Hé (St. Andrew) Marmedonia mǽgðe hæfde gesóhte . . . þám hé (the MS. has hé) (the Deity] him fóre gescráf (cf. þú scealt þá fóre geféran, 216) he had reached the tribe of Mermedonians . . .

    to them the Lord had appointed him a journey,

      An. 848.
  • Gewát hé féran, swá him Scyppend wera gescrifen hæfde, 788. '
of the orders of secular or ecclesiastical law
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  • Symble se man þám óðrum byrigean gesette, and þám riht áwyrce þe tó hiom Cantwara déman gescrífen,

      Ll. Th. i. 30, 14.
to order, bind a person to do or suffer something,
compel, subject
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  • Ne þearf man ná fæsten fram Eástran oð Pentecosten, búton hwá gescrifen sig, oþþe hé elles fæsten wylie,

      Ll. Th. i. 368, 28.
  • Gescriuene, geþrǽste, geþreáde addicti (uiolentis naturae legibus


      Aid. 20, 30), An. Ox. 1452.
to shrive a person
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  • Eów gebyrað ꝥ gé beón gescrifene on ðissere wucan, oððe húru on ðǽre óðre,

      Hml. S. 12,
Full form


  • ge-scrífan,