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to strike with a material object
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  • 'Gif woe geslás ł huoeðer móto wé geslaa in suorde (gislá mid sworde, R.).' And geslóg án of ðǽm esne aldormonnes '

    si percutimus in gladio.' Et percussit unus ex illis seruum principis, Lk.

      L. 22, 49, 50.
  • Hé geslóg breóst his,

      18, 13.
  • Mið ðý gislóg síde Petres,

      Rtl. 58, 7.
  • Mið fýstum hine geslaa ł geðearsca colaphis eum caedere. Mk. L. 14, 65. I a. figuratively :-- Hé hine mid his worde geslóg


      Past. 115, 15.
  • Ðæt hí beóð mid strengran cwide ðæs dómes geslægene

    ut eos durior sententia feriat,

      433, 35.
to strike with a stamp, hammer, &c., to coin money,
forge implements
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  • Feoh þe wæs geslagen on Decius cáseres tíman,

      Hml. S. 23, 659.
  • Penegas on gefyrndagum geslægene, 588: Gen. 583 (in Dict.).
to strike (and break) an object against something
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  • Fela henne ǽgru gesleá on án fæt

    break many hen's eggs into a vessel,

      Lch. ii. 264, 24.
  • Þicge hé geseáw broþu . . . and geslegen ǽgru and breád gebrocen on hát wæter, 5.
to strike and kill, slay
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  • Tó acuoellanne ł gesleá ǽnig

    interficere quemquam,

      Jn. L. 18, 31.
  • Þ te wére geslægen


      Lk. L. R. 22, 7.
  • Geslaegen,

      Mt. p. 17, 8.
to gain by striking (
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  • Hí týr geslógon æt sæcce, Æðelst. 4. V a.

    to bring about by fighting, make

    slaughter :-- Geslóh þín fæder fǽhðe mǽste, wearþ ng Heaþoláfe tó handbonan mid Wilfingum . . . Siþþan þá fǽhðe feó þingode, sende ic Wylfingum ealde mádmas,
      8. 459-472.
  • Þára folca ǽgðer on ððerum micel wæl geslógan,

      Ors. 3, I; S. 98, 6.
of an adder,
to sting
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  • Fram nǽdran geslegene

    a serpente percussi,

      Bd. I. l; Sch. 13, 7.
to drive, fix a peg, stake, &c.,
pitch a tent
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  • Gif hé hæbbe geteld geslagen. Ll. Th. i. 286, 9.
where an impression is produced on the mind, or a condition of mind or body is brought about
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  • Ðá geslóh hine sóna se snáwhwíta hreófla,

      Hml. A. 58, 186.
  • Heó wearð mid hreóflan (-um,


    geslagen, 177.
  • Oft weorðað men áfǽrde . . . ðonne ðæt geslægene mód (

    perculsa mens

    ) gesihð . . . ,
      Past. 441, 25.
  • Hí swýðe mid þǽre fyrhte wǽron geslegene,

      Guth. 92, l. (O.H.Ger. ge-slahan percutere, caedere, figere.)
Full form


  • ge-sleán,