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Add: [ge-spræc, ge-sprǽce (v. god-gesprǽce), ge-sprec, ge-spræc (? cf. ge-spræcan = ge-sprecan, and cf. gebrec and ge-bræc). These forms are taken together as they cannot always be distinguished with certainty either by form or by meaning; where the quantity of the vowel is uncertain it is left unmarked.]
speech, talking
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  • Gearowyrde on gespræce (-sprece,

    v.l.) loquella promtus,

      Bd. 5, 2; Sch. 561, 3.
  • Ðæt is best . . . ꝥ man . . . gemetigian cunne ge his spréce ge his swígan, and wite hwonne hé gespréce hæbbe

    (when he have occasion for speaking),

    and hwanne him geanswaræd si,
      Prov. K. 2.
a speech, language
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  • Hé andwyrde þám ælreordan gesprece (-spræce,

    v.l.) in eadem barbara (Bulgarica) locutione respondit,

      Gr.D. 300, 24.
  • Ne sind gespreocu


      Ps. Srt. 18, 4.
what is said, a speech, saying, an oracle, words
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  • Gesprec Dryhtnes eloquium Domini, Ps. Srt. Vos. 104, 19 : 118, 50:


    ll, 7.
  • Gecýþed mid ealdorlicnesse þæs hálgan gespreces (þǽre hálgan spræce,

    v.l.) auctoritate sacri eloquii,

      Gr. D. 323, 13.
  • Efter gesprece ðínum

    secundum eloquium tuum,

      Ps. Srt. 118, 41.
  • Gesprec ðín (ðíne gesprecu, Ps. Vos.) ne heóldun

    eloquia tua non custodierunt,

    158 : 162.
  • Gespreocu (gesprec, Ps. Vos.) Dryhtnes

    eloquia Domini,

      Ps. Srt. 17, 31.
  • Gespreocu (gesprecu,

      Ps. Vos.), 118, 103.
  • Gespreco


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 43.
  • Þæs þe ús cýþað þá hálgan gespræcu (-sprecu,

    v.l.) quod sacra testantur eloquia,

      Gr. D. 294, 21 : Hml. S. 23 b, 92.
  • Gespræca

    uerborum, i. sermonum,

      An. Ox. 2, 169.
  • On þæs hálgan gewrites gesprecum


      Gr. D. 138. 35.
  • In mínre heortan ic gehýdde þíne gespræcu (gesprecu. Ps. Vos. , gespreocu,

      Ps. Srt., spǽca. Ps. L. 118, II), Ll. Th. ii. 402, 38.
a speaking to or
with, colloquy, dialogue, conversation
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  • Mé simle is swýþe leóf ealldra manna gespræc (sprǽc, gespræca,

    v. ll.) mihi senum collocutio esse semper amabilis solet,

      Gr. D. 79, 18.
  • Seó þridde bóc Sancte Gregorius gespræces (-spreces, v.l.) and Petres

    liber tertius dialogorum Gregorii,

      259, 21.
  • In þám gespræce þǽre hálignysse

    in sacris colloquiis,

      167, 9.
  • Ic wæs mid his gesprece (-spræce, sprǽce, v. ll., allocutione) geréted, Bd. 5, I ; Sch. 551, 6 :


      3, 22 ; Sch. 293, 23.
  • Mid his wýtum gesprec (sprǽce, gespræce (Bd. S.), v.ll.) and geþeaht habban

    habito cum sapientibus consilio,

      Bd. 2, 13 ; Sch. 163, 23.
  • Hig on manegum gespræcum heora gástlic líf smeádon,

      Guth. 52, 6.
  • On gespræcum (-sprecum,

    v.l.) in dialogues,

      Gr. D. 259, 22.
  • Hí betwyh heom þá hálgan gespræcu (-sprecu,

    v.l.) sprǽcon inter sacra colloquia, 167, ii. Gesprecu (sprǽcu, v.l. ),

      168, 17.
  • (Cf. O.H.Ger. ge-spráhhi[n] oraculum. v. god-gesprǽce, god-gesprec.)
Full form


  • ge-sprǽc,