Bosworth Toller's


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  • verb
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Add: p. stóp; pp. ge-stapen.
of living creatures
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  • For hwí gesteppe ic ł gá ic

    quare incedo,

      Ps. L. 41, 10.
  • Þá gestóp hé tó ánes wealles byge,

      Ors. 3, 9 ; S. 134, 19.
  • Tó ðé gistepe ué ad te gradiamur. Rtl. 51, 9. I a. with cognate acc., to step a step, take a step :-- Ælc þǽra stæpa and fótlǽsta þe wé tó cyricean weard gestæppað, Wlfst. 302, 27. I b. where fót

    is subject

    :-- -Symble wæs drýge folde swá his fót gestóp,
      An. 1584.
of inanimate objects
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  • Se rodor þǽre eorþan on nánre ne mót neár þonne on óðre stówe gestæppan (cf. ðeáh se rodor þǽre eorþan náwer ne geneálǽce,

      Bt. 33, 4; F. 130, 22), Met. 20, 140.
Full form


  • ge-stæppan, v.