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of purchase or barter
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  • Hwælc seleþ monn geld for ferh his

    quam dabit homo commutationem pro anima sua?

      Mt. R. 16, 26.
pay of troops
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  • Eádwerd cing scylode .ix. scypa of mále . . . and belifon .v. scypa bæftan; and se cing heom behét .xii. mónað gyld,

      Chr. 1049; P. 171, 29.
with idea of compul-sion,
payment exacted
by the State,
a tax
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  • Áléde Eádweard cyng ꝥ heregyld . . . ꝥ gyld gedrehte ealle Engla þeóde . . . ꝥ wæs ǽfre ætforan óðrum gyldum þe man geald,

      Chr. 1052; P. 173, 18-22.
  • Þe cyng behét heom þá betsta laga . . . and ǽlc unriht geold hé forbeád,

      1087; P. 223, 32.
by the law as compensation or indemnity for loss
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  • Norðleóda cynges gild is .xxx. þúsend þrymsa, fífténe þúsend þrymsa bið þæs wergildes, .xv. þúsend þæs cynedómes,

      Ll. Th. i. 186, 2.
  • Ðeáh æt stæltyhtlan lád teorie . . . gylde ángyldes ꝥ hé mid beléd wæs. Ðæs óðres gyldes nán þing, ne þæs wítes þe má,

      354, 16.
  • Gif mon wíf mid bearne ofsleá . . . forgielde þone wífman fullan gielde, and ꝥ bearn healfan gelde,

      66, 24-68, 2.
  • Ne forlǽte hé þá ǽscan . . . oþ þæt wé tó þám gilde cuman,

      234, 27.
  • Gylde hé ꝥ yrfe, oþþe . . . underwed lecge . . . and þǽs on .ix. nihton ꝥ wed undó mid rihtan gylde, 352, 10. ꝥ man gulde ꝥ ceápgild, and swinge hine man þriwa, oþþe ꝥ óðer gild (gylde,

    v. l.

    ) sealde,
      208, 23.
  • Gif wé þonne gyld árǽrdon,

      234, 5.
by a superior foreign power,
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  • Cunnende of gyld (cf. gild-selen) [ð]æs cǽseres geselenne

    temtantes de reddendo caesaris tribute

      Mk. p. 4, 20.
that which takes the place of something lost
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  • Seth wæs Abeles gield on woruldríce,

      Gen. 1109.
  • On wráðra gield, 101.
in a religious sense,
what is offered,
an offering, a sacrifice
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  • Hié Drihtne lác bróhton; brego engla beseah on Abeles gield eágum sínum,

      Gen. 977.
  • Hé þæt gyld (cf. lác, 1497) on þanc ágifen hæfde, 1506.
  • Geld

    hostiae, sacrificia

      Wülck. Gl. 202, 27.
worship, rite, service, sacrifice
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  • Æt ðám gilde


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 27.
  • Gield


      90, 27.
  • Gild,

      19, 24.
  • Geld ceremoniae, . 28, 54: ceremonie, i.

    ritus sacrificandi, religiones, sacrificia

      Wülck. Gl. 202, 27.
  • Þá þe æt þǽm geldum þǽr wæs swín and sceáp and fear

    suovetaurili(a ),

      Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 33: 86, 33.
  • Hwæðer þá landleóde crístene wǽron ðe hí on hǽðenra gildum (in hǽðennesse gedwolum,

    v. l.) lifdon (paganis erroribus essent inplicati )

      Bd. 2, l ; Sch. 109, 22.
  • Gield

    sacra (Deorum destruxit ),

      Wrt. Voc. ii. 90, 7.
a divinity, heathen deity
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  • Behátað þæt gé wyllað þám deófolgyldum wiðsacan, and þone sóðan God wurðian. . . . ' Beó Godes grama ofer ús, gif wé ǽfre tó hǽðenum gylde búgað, ' Hml. Th. ii. 488, 7.
  • Gield


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 34: 92, 80.
  • Gild, 60, 70. (2 a) an idol :-- Gield


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 34: 27, 23.
  • Hé þá ídlan gild bræc,

      Bl. H. 223, 18, l.
a guild, v. ge-gild
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  • Hér is on þís gewrite siú geswitelung þǽre gerǽd-nisse þe þiús geférrǽden gerǽd hæfþ on þegna gilde on Grantebrycge,

      Cht. Th. 610, 29.
  • Se gylda þe óðerne misgrét innan gylde,

      606, 23.
Similar entries
v. blóstm-gild, bróþor-gild, ceáp-gild , cyne-gild, ge-gild, geleger-gild, here-gild, hýd-gild, hýþ-gild, ídel-gild, níd-gild, niht-gild, scip-gild.
Full form


  • gild,