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hæfen, having.
Add: , hafon.
abstract, the having or
possessing of something
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  • Mid gódra weorca biggenge and mid háligra mægena hæfene,

      K. Ben. 3, 7.
  • Se bróðor þe mid swǽrra gylta hæfene bið gedered

    frater qui gravioris culpe noxa teneatur,

      49, 13.
what is possessed
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  • Sé ðe eallunge ðá eorðlican gestreón forlǽtan ne mæg . . . fremige hé hafenleásum mid his hæfene,

      Hml. Th. ii. 400, 2.
  • Hí biddað and wilniaþ þá heafene þysse gestreónfullan wǽdle

    petunt et exigunt sumptum lucrosae egestatis,

      R. Ben. 136, l. Hér syndon .xxx.
    bóca on Leófstánes hafona, Nap. 46, 41.
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  • hæfen,