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holiness. v. hálig; A. V.
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  • Hér wæs Ósuuald ofslagen . . . þæs hálines and wundor wǽron manigfealde gecýdde geond ðis égland (cf. cujus quanta fides in Deum, quae deuotio mentis fuerit, etiam post mortem uirtutum miraculis claruit,

      Bd. 3, 9), Chr. 641; P. 27, 24.
  • Þǽre hálignesse hús

    domus sanctitatis,

      Bl. H. 163, 11.
holiness of God. v. hálig; A. II
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  • Heriað Drihten, and andetað þæt gemynd his hálignesse (

    sanctitatis ejus

      Ps. Th. 29, 3.
  • On munt hálignesse hís (

    sanctificationis suae

      Ps. Vos. 77, 54.
sanctity, saintliness. v. hálig ; A. III
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  • Ðonne bið ðæt gold ásueartod, ðonne sió hálignes monnes lífes (cf. hwelc æfter hálgum háde, 25) bið mid eorðlicum weorcum gewemmed

    aurum obscuratur, cum terrenis actibus sanctitatis vita polluitur,

      Past. 133, 21.
holiness, sanctity of a rite. v. hálig; A. IV. 2
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  • Ðurh þæs hálgan fulluhtes hálignesse,

      Wlfst. 154, 19.
an object held sacred
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  • Ic hálsige þe þurh ealle hálignyssa (


    ) þe synt on heofonan and on eorðan, and þurh þæne fulluht and Crístendóm þe þú underfangen hæfst,
      Ll. Lbmn. 413, 20.
a holy place. Cf. hálig; B. II
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  • Ðu on ðínre hálignesse hér ásprǽce

    Deus locutus est in sancto suo,

      Ps. Th. 59, 5.
religious worship, rites or
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  • Fram þám bisceope hiora hálignesse þe hí ǽr beeódan

    a pontifice sacrorum suorum,

      Bd. 2, 13 ; Sch. 167, 16.
[Cf. Ich wulle halinesse to mine goden halden and swiðe heom wurðen, Lanm. 8049.]
Full form


  • hálig-nes,