- verb [ weak ]
Se synfulla man hearmað him sylfum egeslíce swýðe,
- Wlfst. 34, 13 .
Hearmað þé þin gewinn tógeánes mé,
- Hml. Th. i. 390, 11 .
Ǽlc man þe yfel déþ . . . þeáh þe hit sumum fremige, and ǽlc man þe gód déð . . . þeáh þe hit hearmige sumum,
- Hml. S. 27, 173 .
Hé him hearmian nolde,
- 23, 311 .
Án manncynn wunað under þínum anwealde . . . and þú wel wást ꝥ hit wile hearmian þínum cyneríce heora réceleásnysse gyf him man ne gestýrð heora stuntnysse
est populus . . . et optime nosti, quod non expediat regno tuo, ut insolescat per licentiam,
- Hml. A. 96, 152 .
Bosworth, Joseph. “hearmian.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014. https://bosworthtoller.com/52087.
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