Bosworth Toller's


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  • noun [ masculine ]
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brúnéða, an; m.
A disease called brunella or pruna; morbus quidam, idem forte, qui Belgis bruyne, id est, Erysipelas [=ἐρυσίπελας] cerebri. Oris vitium, cum linguæ tumore, exasperatione, siccitate, et nigredine, vulgo, inquit Kilianus, brunella, Som
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  • Ðæt biþ strang sealf and gód wið swelcre abláwunge and brúnéðan, and wið ðara ceácna geswelle, oððe asmorunge

    that is a strong salve and good for such inflation and brunella, and for swelling of the jaws, or smothering,

      L. M. l, 4; Lchdm. ii. 48, 10-12.
Full form


  • brúnéða, n.