Þá welegan hé forlǽteþ on ídelnesse (
diuites dimisit inanes,
- Lk. l, 53), Bl. H. 5, 10 : 159, 19.
- Wülck. Gl. 253, 29.
Hwǽr beóþ þá symbelnessa, and þá ídelnessa, and þá ungemetlican hleahtras ?, Bl. H. 59, 18. II a. a vain, false religion :-- Ýdelnysse
- An. Ox. 4429.
super-stitione, i. uanitate,
4021. -
Nú is se tíma ꝥ ðú forlǽte þíne ýdelnesse and lác ðám godum geoffrige,
- Hml. S. 22, 213.
Hí ealne dæg mid ídelnesse (
) wunnon,- Gr. D. 250, 21.
On ídelnesse mon ongit Godes ðæt hefonlice wuldor, gif. . .
incassum gloria patriae coelestis agnoscitur, nisi
. . . ,- Past. 160, 17.
In ídelnesse mec worðiað
in uanum me colunt,
- Mk. L. R. 7, 7.
Nys eác mid ídelnysse tó forelǽtanne þæt wundor
non me quoddam spiritale praesagium narrare piget,
- Guth. Gr. 159, l.
Bosworth, Joseph. “ídel-ness.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014. https://bosworthtoller.com/53815.
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