Bosworth Toller's


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  • verb [ weak ]
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Add: , leoþian ; p. ode To unloose, release
Show examples
  • Þá wæs eft swá ǽr ealdfeónda níð onwylled: wóð óðerne lythwón leodode, þonne in lyft ástág ceargesta cirm

    then again as before the hate of old foes was hot, cries for a time gave vent to a second outburst of hate, when to the heavens rose the clamour of the fiends,

      Gú. 363.
  • Foldan ic freoþode folcum ic leoþode (as leoþode rimes with freoþode

    its root vowel should be short),

      Reirn. 40.
[Cf. (?) O. H. Germ. lidón secare.]
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Full form


  • liþian, v.